
Sam Francis' Aphorisms

This is a selection from a small book by the artist Sam Francis called APHORISMS. The entries tilt more toward short poetry (with line breaks) or perhaps being composed as back-of-an-envelope jottings on art/aesthetics, rather than ‘aphorisms’ as we tend to think of them:

The eye is
the light
of the body


Death has
no surface
only depth


I paint time
I am ruin rolled
I am rolled


Color is born
of the interpenetration
of light and dark


Color is a series
of harmonies
everywhere in
the universe
being divine
whole numbers
lasting forever
adrift in time


Red contains every color
even red

all colors in this
painting consist of

all other colors


The space at
the center
of these paintings
is reserved
for you


There are as many images
as eyes to see


As you know
energy can have
never begun
and yet is
taken up
again and
again and
lasts forever
and forever
until it is
taken up


We are always at the center of space
we are always at the center of time
we are always as far
as possible from both
east and west
we are always as far as possible from earlier
and later

—Sam Francis, APHORISMS (The Lapis Press, 1984)

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